The Divine Expression

In the beginning was the logos, or the divine expression of God.  He expressed His heart in bringing light to the darkness, and life to a world that was void.  Everything created by that expression was good, because it came from the heart of Him whose identity is Love.

The logos became flesh.  It came in Jesus, full of grace and truth, and the Father expressed Himself so fully and completely through the logos made flesh.

We now carry the logos within us.  As we let the it dwell in us richly, we also become a divine expression of God.  In every act of kindness, every time we forgive, each time we make an impression with the fruit of God's Spirit, He is expressing Himself outwardly.  What an exciting purpose!  While some talk about "the great commission", this is truly the greater commission, to reveal a Father that is gracious and wonderful.

I love how the Bible says that we spread the sweet aroma of Christ, and that we are the salt of the earth, bringing the God-flavor to everything, and that we are lights in the world, helping those who haven't perceived God to see Him in the divine expression that we carry.

I know that we all have moments when we express selfishness rather than Love, but even that shows that it's His goodness, and not of our own strength.  It comes from the One who loves and understands us, even in our weakness.  

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." - 2 Corinthians 4:7

Let's remember that, though we abide in human flesh, we are truly the children of God, and let's cherish the opportunities for God to express His Love through us.  Have a great day!


God’s Supply


Big Me, Little Me