God’s Supply

When Jesus said that the Comforter would come, He described Him as Someone who would supply us with truth, leadership, counsel, revelation, guidance and comfort. By coming to live in us He would not leave us helpless orphans, but He would give us all of the supply that we would need for life and godliness.

I love that rather than putting a demand on us, He supplied us with the Source of Life: Himself. We see the nature of God in this when we see how He relates to us. God doesn’t make plants grow by pulling on them, by putting a demand on them. He’s not frustrated because the plants aren’t growing faster or taller, but rather He supplies what it needs for them to grow. He supplies water, sunshine and nutrients. In other words, He gives what is needed. Rather than putting a demand or burden on them, He lovingly gives to them. 

This is how the grace of God works in our lives. I can think back on a number of moments when things were looking difficult. This wonderful Spirit of God would redirect my eyes from me and my inabilities towards His goodness and abundance.  The true gospel will always take our eyes off of our natural flesh and place them on our wonderful Father. We are not orphans, we are not alone and nothing is being is demanded of us, but so much is being given to us. 

“What I’m trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God’s giving.” (Luke 12:29, MSG)

Remember God is the author and finisher of your faith. And you are somewhere right in the middle of that. You are in the best place you can be. You are loved. And you are abundantly supplied by the One who lives in you. 




The Divine Expression