The Accuser is a Loser

God is love, and I just can't say it enough.  When I really found out that God likes me, it was the biggest change of my life.  It was the truth that made me free from my greatest enemy, the accuser.

I used to carry a good deal of guilt.  I lived with a sense that I needed to be a little better than I was at the time.  I would see a flaw in myself and beg God to take it away.  I worked hard at being a better person, but never could escape the voice of accusation that easily found fault with me.  It seemed that the voice spoke into my ear constantly.

But there is something very powerful in knowing that you are loved without any conditions put on it.  Perfect love casts out fear, especially the fear of not being good enough.  I became so convinced of God's love for me, that I could actually laugh when accusing thoughts would come.  The voice of accusation began to fade until it became non-existent.

It's really all because of the truth as it's presented in the gospel of Christ.  Because of God's amazing grace, and unlimited love, my identity is not sinner, but winner, and the accuser is the loser.

"For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who relentlessly accused them day and night before our God, has now been defeated, cast out once and for all!
They conquered him completely through the blood of the Lamb..."
 - Revelation 12:10-11

Have a great day and please live loved!


Dealing With Our Weakness

