Rooted in Love

Ephesians 3:17 talks about being “rooted and grounded in love”.  Let’s look at what that means.

A definition of rooted is: “established deeply and firmly”.

Other synonyms are: entrenched, embedded, settled, secure.

To be established in Love means that it is the most important reason for your existence.  It is your core value above all else.  You’ve become captivated by its beauty.  Your mind often swims in its depths.  You’ve tasted its power.  In Love, you have found the point of it all.

One’s life can be rooted in any of a great number of things.  I know that in times past, I’ve tried to plant my roots in things like Christian morality, self-denial, a quest for flawlessness, charismatic power, and other things as I looked for what mattered most.

God is Love.  Only Love can bring forth life.  Only Love can heal all hearts.  Only Love can restore a world still looking for a good shepherd.  Love is where it’s at.  There is nothing else.

Happy are those who commit to the way of Love. They soak it in like sunshine on their souls, and become masters of the most excellent way.

Have a great day.  We believe in you!


When I’m Big


Merry Christmas!