Don’t Have A Fixed Mindset

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. (1 John 3:1, NKJV)

Who is the world John is referring to in this scripture? Typically we see the “world” as those sinners out there. Those ones not following God, not going to church, those ones committing the “big” sins. 

The world John is referring to is the world of people who rejected Jesus, who didn’t recognize Jesus as God’s beloved Son. It was the religious world who didn’t have room for Jesus, who didn’t know or see God as their good, good Father. 

The people who rejected Jesus weren’t the adulterers and the thieves and the demoniacs, they were the religious people who thought they knew better than Jesus. They were sure Jesus was blasphemous, guilty of death, for referring to God as His (and our) Father. They had fixed mindsets. They were “right”. They did things right. They obeyed the law. They prayed and went to church. Nevertheless, they completely rejected Jesus. Their hearts were hardened and they did not recognize Him, even when He was directly in front of them. 

That assured “rightness” tends to manifest not only in legalists, like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day, but in all controlling behavior. When we try to control people to think like we do, we are demanding that they abandon themselves and be us. For example, when we won’t befriend someone because their beliefs are contrary to our own. Or when we try to intimidate or make people with different perspectives out to be foolish. Thankfully this is not the way our loving Father deals with us. 

When we try to control outcomes or people, maybe without even realizing it, we have become a vehicle for the Accuser. We spout out condemnation believing it will change behavior, but thankfully, we do know our Father and He is gentle, kind and wise. 

Aren’t you glad that God extends such a beautiful freedom to us? He knows we won’t always get it right, but it doesn’t scare Him or put Him off. He never forces Himself on people or tries to control them. He loves them. He understands them. And if they listen, He will guide them.

We hope you will consider what manner of love the Father has given us as you go through your week this week. What an astonishing, yet comforting, realization!




Obstacles and Trust