‘23 and Me

We are now at the end of another year.  Twelve months is actually a long time.  It's time enough to include a very mixed bag of highs and lows, joys and sorrows.  Most of us have probably experienced both this year.  Judi and I surely did.  Though the year did bring us a heartbreaking challenge, we also saw some of our most joyous times.

Our oldest daughter, Kristy, went to be with the Lord in April, and even if we feel her near to us, we miss her physical expression.  However, God has been wonderful in helping us to get through the pain of that loss.  This is why I want everyone to know that God is gracious, and they are not alone.  We don't have to carry life's burdens alone.  There is a wonderful Father who cares and can heal our hearts.  He really is the helper, the counselor, the comforter.

On the positive side, October marked ten years of marriage for me and Judi, and we were able to celebrate it big with a trip to Tuscany.  It was the best traveling experience ever, and it would be hard to ever top it.

Ministry wise, we were busy! We traveled over 70,000 miles carrying good news about our relationship with God.  We spoke in 93 meetings, including 5 conferences where Judi spoke.  We updated our website at 
RickManis.com.  Our weekly podcast, "The Third Option", is growing with over 3,000 plays.

I am convinced that Love is where it's at, and new doors will open to our message just as they did in 2023.  Thank you for your love and support of our life's mission. 

We don't know all that we will see in 2024, but we know that God will be there in our challenges, and there will be things to celebrate also.  All in all, life is a gift to be treasured.

We hope you have a happy new year!  We believe in you.


Obstacles and Trust


The Gospel of Peace